Landscape series

"It remains a lifelong quest for the ultimate image of the landscape from the surroundings. Created on location itself and further elaborated in the studio, from a photo or from memory, always searching. Reality blends with the inner, using stereotypical lakes, ponds, and fences to the point of annoyance. The location is arbitrary, not chosen for its "beauty" or interesting composition, just random spots in a piece of nature. The paint, color, and form must suggest the image that is in my mind, with the standard lakes, dunes, forests, and skies. It is a lifelong process in which the created painting is only an intermediate representation. "Beautiful" is not a word that comes into it, nor is it the reason for the imagery."

"Works of unfailingly evocative mastery.

An artistic trove;  inexhaustible richness of  colour, texture and atmosphere"

​© John Gartland